Welcome to the PNI libraries
The PNI libraries are a set of C++ libraries developed primarily for working with data stored as NeXus files.
As the PNI libraries are developed at DESY it is most natural that most of the current applications using them are developed at DESY
Tango servers
- MTCADigitizer -
- PiLCScanSlave -
- PiLCTriggerGenerator -
- Xspress3 -
- Gotthard - controller server for the Gotthard detector
- Lambda - controller server for the Lambda detector
- Vimba -
Bindings to other languages
- python-pni - is a simple Python wrapper around the C++ libraries
Other applications
- pnitools - a set of command line tools to work with NeXus files
- A tool for managing the calibration data base for Lambda detectors