HDF5 datatypes

Beneath HDF5s IO model there are two fundamental concepts

  • datatypes

  • and dataspaces.

We will deal with the latter one in HDF5 dataspaces and selections and focus in this section on datatypes.

Datatypes describe the smallest unit of data written to an HDF5 file. This can be such simple things a primitive numbers like integer or floating point numbers, strings but also complex compound data types like heterogeneous records of a database table. Currently, this wrapper only supports three types of data types

which can be found in the pninexus.h5cpp.datatype package and are all decendents of the Datatype class. This package currently not provides the full functionality of the corresponding C++ namespace hdf5::datatype of h5cpp but enough to get started from within Python. Usually you do not want to create a datatype manually. Instead there is is a factory class Factory which provides a method to create HDF5 datatypes from numpy dtypes or their string representation. For conveniance there is a module global instance kFactory available to make life a bit easier.

So in order to create an HDF5 data type for a 64Bit floating point type you could use something like this

import numpy
from pninexus.h5cpp import datatype

type = datatype.kFactory.create(numpy.dtype("float64"))

There exists also an inverse function which converts an HDF5 datatype to an appropriate numpy type: to_numpy(). This function returns the string representation of the appropriate numpy data type

import numpy
from pninexus.h5cpp.datatype import to_numpy

dtype = numpy.dtype(to_numpy(dataset.datatype()))

The pninexus.h5cpp.datatype package also provides a set of predefined datatypes

datatype constant



8Bit unsigned integer type


8Bit singed integer type


16Bit unsigned integer type


16Bit signed integer type


32Bit unsigned integer type


32Bit signed integer type


64Bit unsigned integer type


64Bit signed integer type


32Bit floating point type


64Bit floating point type


128Bit floating point type


variable length string type

Datatype are only important when creating datasets or attributes. During IO operations the appropriate type for the data is obtained automatically by the IO functions.

String types

String types are particularly difficult in HDF5. This is true for virtually every wrapper or programming interface currently available. Though h5py seems to make things easy (at least for the user side) there are corner cases where even h5py fails to read string data. Similar to h5py we focus on the string storage scheme of numpy. When storing strings in a numpy array they are always stored as fixed size strings with NULL padding. The size of the strings is determined by the longest string in the array. In terms of HDF5 that would be

from pninexus.h5cpp.datatype import String
from pninexus.h5cpp.datatype import StringPad
from pninexus.h5cpp.datatype import CharacterEncoding

datatype = String.fixed(str_len)
datatype.padding  = StringPad.NULLPAD
datatype.encoding = CharachterEncoding.UTF8