Users Guide


The PNI Python package provides bindings to the PNI C++ libraries

  • libh5cpp

  • libpnicore

  • libpniio

The term binding might not be entirely correct as the PNI libraries are mainly C++ templates. One can consider this package as an implementation providing the functionality of the templates. In particular not all the features exposed by the C++ libraries are imported into Python as equivalent native Python solutions exist. For instance libpnicore provides templates for multidimensional arrays which are not required in Python as we have numpy arrays.

From libpnicore only the exceptions are imported as they are used by libpniio. Most of the code accessed by this Python packages comes from libh5cpp and libpniio and addresses the following problems

  • reading legacy ASCII and binary (mainly image) files

  • provide access to NeXus/HDF5 files

The top level node of the package

Reading legacy ASCII and binary files

Nexus support

NeXus is supported with the HDF5 file format as the physical storage format. pninexus provides NeXus support via two packages

  • pninexus.h5cpp which is a low level wrapper around the h5cpp C++ library for HDF5

  • and providing high level functions related to the NeXus file format.


It is strongly encouraged to read the following two chapters in the correct order: start with the uses guide for the pninexus.h5cpp package and than read the chapter about pninexus.h5cpp.