Working with files

The first thing to do when working with HDF5 is to create new or opening existing files. Classes and functions related to file operations can be found in the pninexus.h5cpp.file package.

Creating a file

In the create() function is used to create new files. In the simplest case you can use this function with a single argument: the name of the new file

from pninexus import h5cpp

h5file = h5cpp.file.create("test.h5")

This function returns an instance of File which can be used for all further operations on files. Unlike with other HDF5 Python wrappers the File class cannot be used as an entry point to the node hierarchy in the file. For that purpose one has to obtain the root group with

h5file = ....

root = h5file.root()

This sounds like a inconvenience at first but has the major advantage that the semantic of classes remains clear: a file is not a group and thus should not behave as one.

A subsequent call to create() with the same filename would raise a RuntimeError exception as the file already exists. In order to overwrite existing files the second argument must be set with

h5file = h5cpp.file.create("test.h5",h5cpp.file.AccessFlags.TRUNCATE)

See the API documentation of AccessFlags for all available flags. Additional fine tuning of the file creation process is possible using two more keyword arguments to this function: fcpl and fapl which accept instances of and These classes refer to a file creation property list and a file access property list respectively.

Opening files

To open an existing file use the open() function.

from pninexus import h5cpp

h5file ="test.h5")

which, by default, opens the file in read-only mode. To get read-write access to a file use

h5file ="test.h5",flags=h5cpp.file.AccessFlags.READWRITE)

open() would raise an exception if the filename refers not to an HDF5 file. To avoid such situations use the is_hdf5_file() to check if the requested file is an HDF5 file.

if not h5cpp.file.is_hdf5_file("test.h5"):
   raise RuntimeError("not an HDF5 file")

h5file ="test.h5")

Working with files

At first: a file can be closed by calling its close() method.


However, this is only necessary if the file should be closed deliberately. Usually all objects imported by pninexus.h5cpp are automatically destroyed when they’re losing their scope.