Nexus and XML

Though NeXus files can be rather complicated, accessing data can be quite easy as shown in the previous sections of this manual. However, the complexity of NeXus files can become rather painful when creating file. This is an issue which typically affects developers working on data acquisition software. The python-pninexus framework provides a means of generating skeleton NeXus files from XML. Even existing files can be extended by structures described by XML.

A NeXus XML primer

The XML dialect used to create or extend files with python-pninexus is very close to NXDL, the XML language used to define classes in the NeXus standard. However, NXDL is not powerful enough for creating HDF5 files as it lacks some tags (for instance tags for describing the chunk-shape of a field) and the types are not specific enough (NX_FLOAT would be valid for 32 and 64 Bit floating point numbers).

Creating groups

The group tag is used to create groups which can then embed other groups, fields, or attributes. Its usage is fairly simple

<group name="scan_1" type="NXentry">

The name attribute of the tag describes the name of the group to create and the type attribute the NeXus base class (this value will be stored in the NX_class attribute of the HDF5 group created).

A typical application for groups would be the construction of a basic NeXus skeleton

<group name="scan_1" type="NXentry">
    <group name="instrument" type="NXinstrument">
        <group name="source" type="NXsource"/>
        <group name="detector" type="NXdetector"/>

    <group name="sample" type="NXsample"/>
    <group name="data" type="NXdata"/>
    <group name="control" type="NXmonitor"/>

Creating fields

Fields are described by the field tag. For a simple scalar field use

<field name="data" type="float64"/>

Like for the group tag the name attribute describes the name of the field to create and the type tag its data type. For the data type the standard numpy type strings are used.

For a multidimensional field we have to embed the dimensions tag in the field

<field name="data" type="uint32">
    <dimensions rank="3">
        <dim index="1" value="0"/>
        <dim index="2" value="1024"/>
        <dim index="3" value="512"/>

The attribute rank of the dimensions tag stores the number of dimensions the resulting field should have. The attributes of the dim tag for every dimension should be rather self-explaining. There are however two things to note here: the dimension index starts with 1 (unlike in C with 0) and dimensions with 0 elements are allowed (one can later grow the field as we have already seen). By default the chunk shape matches the field shape with the first element set to 1. In the above example the chunk shape would be (1,1024,512).

In order to explicitly set the chunk shape use the chunk tag

<field name="data" type="uint32">
    <dimensions rank="3">
        <dim index="1" value="0"/>
        <dim index="2" value="1024"/>
        <dim index="3" value="512"/>
    <chunk rank="3">
        <dim index="1" value="1"/>
        <dim index="2" value="512"/>
        <dim index="3" value="512"/>

The chunk tag is currently not implemented due to limitations of the underlying libpniio.

Finally the field tag accepts an additional attribute units which stores the physical unit of the data stored in a field.

<field name="distance" type="float32" units="m"/>

The value will be stored in a string attribute units attached to the created HDF5 field.

Dealing with attributes

Attributes are quite similar to fields but created with the attribute tag. An attribute tag can appear within a field or group tag. Unlike the field tag the attribute tag does not have a units attribute. The chunk shape cannot be set and no compression for attribute data is available. However, multidimensional attributes can be created just like fields by embedding an dimensions tag within the attribute tag. Here is a short example with an attribute attached to a field

<field name="chi" type="float64" units="mm">
    <attribute name="transformation_type" type="string"/>
    <attribute name="vector" type="float32">
        <dimensions rank="1">
            <dim index="1" value="3"/>

Writing data from XML

The last example already shows a problem: it many cases it would be feasible to not only create a field or attribute but also to fill it with data. This is particularly true when the field or attribute should store static data which does not change during an experiment.

python-pninexus supports this feature. Full support is provided for numeric types. In the above example the vector attribute could be filled with data with

<attribute name="vector" type="float32">
    <dimensions rank="1">
        <value index="1" value="3"/>
    0.0 0.0 1.0

to denote a rotation around the z-axis. For string types only scalar data is currently supported. For the previously defined transformation_type attribute we could set the data with

<attribute name="transformation_type" type="string">rotation</attribute>

From the above examples it is clear that python-pninexus does not follow the standard NXDL convention for denoting data within a field or attribute tag. The reason for this is to make the resulting XML more readable. However, this comes at a price that strings are handled different from numeric values. The reason for this possibly unexpected behavior is that numeric values can easily be parsed and thus can be written as a block of whitespace delimited values. For obvious reasons this is not true for strings as whitespace-characters can be part of the string. However, for most applications this limitation is not a serious problem.

From XML to NeXus

To create a NeXus file from XML is rather simple. Just use the xml_to_nexus() function provided by the package

import as nexus

xml_struct = \
<group name="entry" type="NXentry">

f = nexus.create_file("test.nxs",overwrite=True)
r = f.root()


The first argument to xml_to_nexus() is the XML string from which acts as a blue-print for the structure to create. The second argument is the parent object below which the structure should be created.

In the above example no data would be written to the file. This is due to a missing third argument to xml_to_nexus(): the write predicate. One may does not want to write all the data from the XML to the file. It is therefore possible to pass a predicate function which decides whether or not the data for a particular offset should be written to disk.

If all data should be written we can use something like the following

nexus.xml_to_nexus(xml_struct,r,lambda obj: True)

The predicate function takes a single argument, the currently created NeXus object, and decides then whether or not data should be written by returning True or False. If only fields of size one should be written we can use the following approach

def write_pred(obj):
    return isinstance(obj,nexus.nxfield) and obj.size == 1
